Better Sofas

Blending Inherited Furniture with What You Really Want

Better Sofas Offers Quality Help with Blending Your Furniture

Do you need help blending inherited furniture with what you really want? Count on the experts at Better Sofas in Roanoke, VA. We love the most up-to-date home trends for our home. But sometimes we inherit furniture from loved ones that we have to blend with current furniture. You may receive that sofa, end table, or other item that is a family heirloom. Here are some great ideas how you can mix your new taste with classic style courtesy of Real Homes.




Consider How You Want Your Room to Appeal to Others

No matter the room in your home, you need an idea for what kind of appeal you want it to have. That means deciding whether you want a room that’s all new, classic or a mix of the two. You should also think about if you’re going for a more relaxed feel, elegant, lived-in, or anything in between.





Think About How the Color of that Furniture Matches with Your Walls

If you use a neutral palette, you could avoid having to dramatically change the room very much. You don’t need to add a dramatic color. And that’s part of the appeal of a neutral color. Be creative, though, if you aren’t going to add the extra color. That will allow you to unify the set-up.



Find a Room Where You Can Pull a Mix and Match Scenario

If you’re creative, you can mix and match, and no one will notice any furniture standing out. There won’t be one general item that stands out more than the other. Each of the items you have should add to the beauty of the room in its own way. Put pieces together that provide their own appealing look.




Always Strive for the Best Balance of New and Old Looks

Make every piece you have complemented your home furniture with come from the same era. Don’t just mix and match because those items may not stand out for the right reasons. Remember, for best results, sometimes less is more.


For more great tips for mixing and match older and new furniture, give Better Sofas in Roanoke, VA a call at (540) 400-6334. Follow us on Facebook for more great decorating and furniture ideas. We are ready to help you with blending inherited furniture with what you really want.