Better Sofas

A Stitch Isn’t Always Just a Stitch

Your Home or Office Furniture Might Need New Stitching

At Better Sofas in Roanoke, VA, we know a stitch isn’t always just a stitch. They help bring your furniture together. The kind of stitching used depends on a variety of fabrics, mitering, picture framing and more. They help provide proper form and function for your furniture. There are a variety of stitching options for the sofa and chairs in your home. Let’s take a look at some of the techniques used on the market today.



Clean Seams and Double Stitched Seams Are Simple Styles

These are also known as blind seams and come with no further embellishment. These stitch styles are ideal for the most basic fabrics on the market. It has a variety of great uses in upholstery and cushion making where strong seams are not a big issue. Double stitching is the same, but with two rows of parallel stitching. You will notice them on either side of the original seam.



Flat-Felled Seams and French Seams Join Together Similarly

Flat-felled seams come together by stitching fabrics with one seam on the opposite side. Once you fold the fabric, it allows for securely stitched materials. These get set on the flat side of the short seam to make one more connection. French seams are the seams within the seams. They later combine on the right sides, and the stitches go past the seam.



Lapped Seams and Top Stitches Help Create Nicer Looking Connections

Lapped seams are for aligning pieces of fabric within the fold. They help create fresh and compact seams on your furniture. Lapped seams line up with other fabrics to make the cushions look great. Top stitching offers tone-on-tone or contrasting threads. That helps make it appealing to the eye.


Do you need more information on why a stitch isn’t always just a stitch? Give Better Sofas in Roanoke, VA a call at (540) 400-6334. Follow us on Facebook for more great wood furniture ideas. Our team knows a stitch isn’t always just a stitch.